Thanks to a traumatizing childhood experience, I haven’t worn silver eye shadow in almost 10 years…
The year was 2001, my high school’s Awards night; our very own Oscars if you will. It was our chance to ditch our uniforms and get all dolled up. At this point I had just started wearing make up and had the basics down; Black eye liner, mascara, brown “hot chocolate”lipstick as lip liner and lip gloss. Simple and effective. We were all dressed and ready to go, enter my dear friend “O”
“Look what I have” she announced beaming with pride
And that was it, I left my comfort zone and ventured into the wild. On went the healthy coats of silver eye shadow. The result… well have you seen the movie “It”? Enough said.
The pictures from our night of glam started popping up soon after and I cringed every time I saw myself in one, Hideous I tell you, hideous!
So anyway here I am years later, facing my fears and looking pretty damn good too (If I may say so myself LOL)
Here’s the break down…
Today’s lesson: Face your fears!
Já estou te seguindo pirikita.
Passa pelo meu depois:
erica aj
Silver looks great on u….u are so beautiful!
its so beautiful and i like the contacts
Stella! Im "lurvin" this look on you girl! Walahai, I need to import you to "pimp" my make up! lol! Anyhoo, FRET NOT abt awards night! Chile we all looked random that night! In our mind we were babes and chics….lol! even I cringe when I see pictures and I didnt have silver eyeshadow on!!! Ldkmd
Thanks guys
@ Funke Tell me about it, in our minds we were some red carpet divas LOL!
I love your blog, I gave you a little award on my blog 🙂
Thanks Minou,