Booking & Cancellation Policy
Please understand that when you forget to cancel/reschedule your appointment without giving enough notice, we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time, and clients on our waiting list miss the opportunity to receive services. Our cancellation policy allows us the time to inform our standby guests of any availability, as well as keeping our team members’ schedules filled, thus better serving everyone.
Not sure what to book? Call before you book
Kindly decide which service you would like and when you would like to come in for it prior to making a booking. Booking appointments for several services you are unsure you want leaves us with empty treatment times and other clients, who could not get in, at an inconvenience. If you are uncertain about your needs please call us (+234 8162606066) for guidance prior to making a booking.
Arrive on time
We understand that emergencies happen, but your reserved appointment is exclusively for you.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Due to our time sensitive appointments if you are more than 5 minutes late, or more than 15 mins late for a makeover appointment you may risk losing your appointment.
Please CALL us as soon as possible if you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment. In the absence of rescheduling online or a call at least 30 minutes before your appointment, you will be considered a “No Show”. For microshading appointments we require 24 hours prior notice to cancel/reschedule an appointment , in the absence of this you will be considered a No-Show.
After a “no show”, clients are required to book a new appointment and make a new payment. Appointments rescheduled or cancelled in advance allow you to retain store credit for the full amount paid to confirm your appointment.
Non-refundable/ Transferable deposits
All our appointments require a non-refundable full payment for confirmation. Payment should be made at the time of the reservation to complete your booking and confirm your appointment. Failure to make this payment will result in cancellation of your booking.
Preferred Contact Method
Kindly note that while we would love to stay in touch with you through multiple channels (Instagram DM, WhatsApp, email…) The fastest way to reach us during office hours is by phone call. Please call the studio line (+2348162606066) for all same day/ urgent business. Due to the small size of our team, we are unable to respond to messages on the above mentioned platforms in real time.
Cell Phones
Please refrain from calls during your service, this will allow for your service to be performed more efficiently, and in a timely manner
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Stella’s Addiction Team reserve the right to refuse service at our discretion.
Click the link below to book your own appointment now!